WD-40 - Napraw! Nie wyrzucaj.

We’ve designed and implemented a comprehensive campaign for the annual "Repair, Don't Throw Away" competition. Our main task was to inspire the community to actively participate in said competition by submitting their own repair stories (photos, videos), while simultaneously promoting the universal applications of WD-40 products.

Key Visual
The basis of our strategy was to develop a strong key visual that would reflect the main message of the campaign and attract the attention of the audience. The concept aimed not only to inform but also to inspire and encourage interaction.

Overall Graphic Concept
Our team designed a comprehensive graphic concept from scratch, covering all aspects of the campaign - from a unique mascot to adapting the KV for social media graphics and the website, to marketing strategy and performance. The central element of the projects became "Puszek" - an animated mascot that became the face of the competition, used in both static graphics and dynamic promotional materials.

Campaign Mascot - Puszek
Puszek, our animated mascot, was created to evoke nostalgia by referencing classic cartoons. His design and character were crafted to resemble characters from beloved animations that many people remember from their childhood. This goal was achieved by incorporating characteristic features and behaviors known and loved by cartoon fans worldwide. Puszek's role is not only to capture the audience's attention but also to evoke warm, positive associations, making the campaign message of "Repair, Don't Throw Away" even more resonant and memorable.

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WD-40 - Napraw! Nie wyrzucaj.